stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


dance like you found the remote that had been lost for weeks

Walking to the station this morning I got a sharp little pain high on my right butt cheek and then got to experience the pain of walking. But you know thats fine because this is a first for me - having my arse betray me I mean - and that first time only comes the once. So I'm trying to learn something from it.

Not sure what.

Perhaps there is some kind of club or group out there to help people through the first time their arse betrays them. Some kind of benevolent society. Maybe I should take a look on the internet.

Heh, search for "my arse betrayed me". Probably end up at someone diary. Probably should do it because people always find it so amusing to find out how they had been found with weird searches like that. I wish I knew how to find out if I had been found like that.

As per usual I have to wade through an enormous pile of junk mail this morning and the first one I saw was "Super Size your Schlong" along with a few random letters just like they always add so you think that the person who sent you this email was dying but sending the email (to you and you alone) was Sooooooo important that they sent it anyway and they fell on the key board while they were writing the subject but they soldiered on and sent the email and no doubt died soon after. That is why you should read all the junk mail you receive BECAUSE SOMEONE DIED TO SEND IT TO YOU.

Anyway my point was I was amused that the fastfood industry had affected the choice of words in this junk mail. Would you like to super size that schlong sir? No? Well perhaps you would like some fries with that?

"He's not even fucking Japanese!" "He's from Wisconsin you fucks!"

Heh heh Penny Arcade is funny. I also am funny because I put two completely obscure and contextless quotes in this entry. I'm also funny cos I used a rude word - heh heh.

Funny strange or funny ha ha - I'll let you decide. I'm democratic like that.

Now that I'm feeling good, I hope to be able to write this weekend. I found the lyrics for Ms B Spears "Toxic" song and have made a half assed attempt to make it "chocolate" but it verily doth suck. I'd have to really get into the song to pretty much rewrite the whole thing leaving an essence of B Spears to connect it to the original to be really happy with it and I don't know if I care that much about it right now.

I had better luck on redoing Nickelback's "how you remind me" to make it a song in a Daria story I'm writing with my sister. Its a remaking of the Princess Bride with Trent as buttercup, daria as wesley, and sandi as prince humperdinck. Trent's an angsty folk singer and he's singing to Sandi basically how she isn't as good as Daria who he believes to have been dismembered by pirates. I'm thinking of having a reference to her being at the bottom of the sea. Its not finished.

Heh, I love this whole talking about stuff like Daria and the Princess Bride that will mean nothing to so many people. It, like, makes me an intellectual what with me knowing stuff that these many people don't. That is what being smart is, right? Knowing stuff that other people don't?

Enough fun - time for work!!

8:07 a.m. - Friday, Apr. 30, 2004


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