stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


Like a flood

You know what is adorable?

A lift full of chinese? school girls. Perhaps I should never have watched any anime but there is something really cute about them. One time the last 4 or so thanked me because I squashed myself back to let them out. Simple politeness I guess, maybe that is what I like. I am getting so old - politeness, 17 or 18 being young *rolls eyes*

Also I still love clouds. There have been some awesome looking clouds around recently. Beautiful sky scapes.

Also I like "V" which I am drinking right now. And blues which I am listening to right now "I love the way you walk, you're my babe I got my eyes on you"

I need a hair cut. I almost (read: talked to someone else about doing it and then laughed about it for far too long) asked a girl with short kinda spiky hair who cut her hair because its kinda like what I would get done.

I don't know if I want to though because it kinda feels like lots of young ladies have been looking at me recently. Maybe that means I should because I seem to only run into girls about 10 years younger than me and even if it doesn't creep them out it tends to creep me out. Isn't this supposed to be my dream? Attracting 18 year ond ladies?

But anyway I'm thinking it is making me hotter than usual. Heh, in both the temperature way, which says get it cut, and the cuteness way, which say I probably should get it cut but ... cute girls. Oh the confusions!

Heh, another thing I like is "discrete business cleavage" mostly the phrase really as I find it a bit rude to be staring down the ladies tops, as beautiful as the view may be. I got this phrase from someone's dairy - I'll have to find it again and thank her. I think she might like red dwarf as well, which is also worthy of praise. But, yes should happen to wander outside during lunch time I tends to say much "discrete business cleavage" and enjoy being able to name it far too much.

Don't you hate it when someone mistakenly thinks something that stuff everything up? Yeah me too.

You know what else is good, or even "for Hurrah"?

Katie Melua - Call off the search. It is a cd of the music variety.

If you like stuff you will like this!! Or maybe semi-melacholic type stuff, you know about love and stuff.

Also Going Postal by Terry Pratchett is good in a "I can't believe he is using chapters" way. Not so much laugh out loud funny like stuff from a few years ago but a really good story (like Night Watch) and funny too.

Also I like Chris Isaak's Forever Blue cd. The guy at the counter when I bought it was perhaps a touch over enthusiastic about the new Chris Isaak album coming out in time for Christmas. Nah it was cool. Actually I'd say it was cute in a little excited kid kind of way as opposed to the finding him attractive kind of way. I like to hear people's opinions on stuff especially when they seem very sincere. Although it is good if they are open to having me disagree completely or tease them endlessly in some bizarre fashion, should the mood take me.

I am still at work at 6:45 having spent the time since 5 writing a long email and writing this. I have been in a flowing mood on and off for a few weeks now. It just seems to flood out of me at times.

I'm half thinking of writing a story for a friend, except I find the ideas in my head a little difficult to transfer to paper and also it all seems to be getting very violent and bloody for no real reason. It amuses me but I'm not 100% sure I want to share it with the poor lady. She is kinda queasy about some stuff. Altough I think she would probably laugh at all, probably laugh and then never look at me the same way again.

But seriously what is a story without Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lopez dying and Hugh Jackman being able to disappear ala Cheshire Cat just leaving a smile. Not to mention Johnny Depp stuck in Capitan Jack Sparrow mode, a petrified Angelina Jolie, a jolly Judith Lucy (well by her standards) and a violent yet uncertain Eliza Dushku.

As you can see I totally can't play out the scene in my mind at all.

Anyone have any requests?

6:19 p.m. - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004


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