stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


weird well not really

So far I have had a weird week.

Well probably not that weird really, mostly I just feel weird without weird stuff having to happen. It more convenient that way I find - don't have to wait around for weird stuff to happen to have a weird time.

But anyway, so far I have chatted with a Red Cross donation collecting lady, who was fun and good at her job but left me with a memory of an ex-girlfriend that has grown to assist in the me feeling weird thing. I can only think that it was her short small framed-ness combined with her looking up at me seeming like she was actually really enjoying talking to me that did it, can't think what else really.

I also got kinda annoyed at a shop person when I tried to get into a shop and the door appeared to be locked even though it wasn't quite closing time and they smiled at me, smiling at customers is good yes but not so much if they are locked out it looks like mocking. Of course it could have been that it wasn't locked at all I was just pushing when I should have been pulling on the door. I can't say for sure though.

I was cheered up by Lauren, someonemaybe, when I chatted to her online earlier this week and she was in a really happy mood. It was fun and there was laughter and everything and wasps and terror. But yes it was good.

See it wasn't really all that weird was it? I always feel like I've just forgotten all the weird stuff, possibly so I look like a fool so people like to spend time with me because of the laughing.

I make me sad thinking of what I haven't got. Not much I can do about it, you know besides trying to get those things but meh, whatever.

You know I was so relaxed before I can back to work and now I'm all on edge. Its not that I'm really really busy or even just busy, I dunno what it is. Boredom? Lack of contact I want to keep me happy at work? Pfft thats probably it! Eve isn't at work so no Eve diary to read and no chance of emails!

Eve is the problem, and also the solution so I guess killing her wouldn't actually solve the problem. Hmm, I guess killing isn't always the answer to everything.

Of course alternatively I could find other ways to entertain myself but that sounds like work to me and I don't always find my own jokes that funny. Especially as I tend to work off what others are saying.

Enough I say!

3:04 p.m. - Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2005


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