stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


try the veal?

Felt tired all week for some reason.

Fell in love with a cute lady serving at Chilli's - I would describe her as a "coltish beauty" which makes sense when I say it but I really really can't explain it.

Talked to an accountant type lady on the train and there was even accountant type jokes and laughter I gave her my email address but no email :( Such is life. Probably see her around some time anyway.

Sat opposite the same curly haired blonde a couple of times in this last week or so. I wish I could have just watched her. I didn't really want any more than just to watch. In a non-creepy way preferably. Unfortunately I couldn't think how I would achieve that so I tried not to stare too much.

So often that is all I want I'd just like to watch people. Attractive ladies mostly really which isn't as shallow as it sounds attractive/interesting are fairly synonomous to me and people are interesting. Like clouds.

Saw some gorgeous clouds yesterday on the way home, so many different colours and textures. Of course technically grey is not a colour but you can't stop me saying it can you. Hahahaha

Its funny on the right it was almost all clouds and the whole spectrum of greys and on the left it was all about colour with clouds as a supplement. There was colour on the right but it was irrelevant to my mind in some fashion.

Earthy colour and texture on the left and ethereal greys on the left.

I saw one of the girls from the gym I go to. Well I say "go to" which is true in the sense that I still pay at least - its been about a month and a half now with holidays and tiredness, but sooon my precioussss. But anyway I saw this girl at the ATM looking cute as she does and she remembered me, which was cool.

Uh, that's basically it. But I thought it was cool. Can I just say that she makes that lip piercing thingie look good.

Hmm, I'm just getting into NBA Live 2005 on x-box and it is looking like a challenging swear-a-thon, which should almost as good a work out as going to the gym, only not in any real sense.

I need to get back to they gym.

I think that's it really. Thank you for reading and, uh, try the veal?

5:20 p.m. - Friday, Jan. 21, 2005


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