stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


get your ramble on

Sitting late at work not really wanting to be here but there is stuff to do.

Working, talking a little on messenger, thinking about how I would like to move much much closer to the city and not spend hours and hours on public transport.

Singing along to Norah Jones, Don't Know Why, Cold Cold Heart, etc...

Hearing the sound of thunder makes me smile. I really love to hear the rain, smell the rain, be in the rain. I guess as long as I can get dry later but in the moment thats not relevant at all. I dry naturally.

Thinking about the picture I saw on the weekend of the Sydney cityscape which was actually 4 pics combined, all black and white and striking. $220 for it with frame. Thinking of getting it for my office at work, but it doesn't seem quite right. I feel kinda like I want something abstract for work, a painting for the texture something that will seem a little different each time I see it, that I can stare it just to enjoy it, whether it has any meaning or not, beauty for beauty's sake.

I still like that cityscape and want it kinda, or not exactly mostly it just sticks in my memory and I want to have it but I don't know where it is supposed to go. I don't want it at home, I already have 3 paintings already and there isn't really room for them anyway, and again it doesn't fit. I don't think I want it at my new place should I move out, doesn't fit there either.

I just want to own it. Dog in a manger-ish maybe. Maybe, I don't mind sharing as long I know it is mine. So I can take it home with me if people don't play nice I guess.


Such a focus of thought for me, in friendship in casual acquaintance. Its a flexible tool in all relationships! No home should be without one!! My lip curls at the irony of saying something deep when trying to imitate an excitable TV Salesman. Something wrong with truth being found in such an environment, but so it is sometimes. Panning for gold.

I actually thought something today memory of which was sparked by the start of that last paragraph but deadened by the following lines. Something ironical and true. Kinda like I like to thing of myself I guess.

Will you think of times you told me / that you knew the reason / why we had to each be lonely / it was just a season

Ohhhhhh / Ahyyyhhhaaa


go look at Fauntleroy

5:43 p.m. - Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005


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