stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


burning sea

This actually made my mouth fill with saliva. When I look it all over it is just a matter of time until I reach the drooling point. It also makes me do a little kitten-like mew with a sad puppy dog face because I do not have it.

Of course I don't know if I will ever get it since it is an online game with monthly fees and such but ... I yearn Jerry, I yearn.

I never got a working version of Pirates even though it was given to me for Christmas :( and this seems kinda like that only better because of the interaction with, like, real people! I still yearn for Pirates though.

I half afraid/half excited at the thought of moving out and finding I fill all my time with games on the computer. And maybe writing. It all feels very separate from work but not strictly detrimental to it, it would not allow me to devote all my time to becoming a better financial planner which part of me things I should be doing but it would allow me to stretch out a bit and enjoy myself in a fashion that will create a positive environment to do my financial planning work in allow me to be happier to spend time studying and such because of all else that is going on. Church stuff too, all in a mix and some kind of exciting balance. Exciting because of the possibilities and broadness of it.

Work is a little slow this very second, not very long to the end of financial year flood of work and pain and irritation.

Mmm, I just looked down at the description of this entry "burning sea" and went Mmmm.

I have managed to wear out the corner of my tie. How does one do that?

Ok I think I might know but still doesn't the very idea strike you as ridiculous?

I think I am going rather style over content in my writing now but that is ok because it is fun. Fun fun fun fun fun. Hopefully there is some content in there, just not particularly interesting content. Well I hope it is interesting but it is more likely to be interesting to me rather than you, gentle reader.

Now I am looking at pictures of the ships in the game and almost weeping with desire. You wouldn't know it to look at me on the street or even in casual conversation. If I do get into my passions they tend toward the fascination with the simple everyday things you see around. Maybe I feel it more likely to be shared, or maybe my interest in it is more self sustaining and sharing it with someone doesn't so much make me vulnerable to them becoming bored as I could talking of pirates of the caribbean that don't involve Johnny Depp and that other guy.

Captain Jack Sparrow is so incredibly cool though. I mean seriously how can anyone be so cool?

Now I would like to see Mr Depp play Lord Vetinari in a Discworld movie. Hmm, The Rock as Carrot? Heh right build at least, not quite the right persona but maybe workable. Who would play Vimes? ???

Anyway. Work time!

9:25 a.m. - Thursday, May. 05, 2005


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