stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


Hurrah for Cuba!

I went to the Buena Vista: Cuba�s Grandfathers of Music on Saturday.

I would have to say it was pretty cool. If you were there for the afternoon show and thought you heard a dog barking during the show - that was probably me. It was still good though and I was actually a lot better than I had been so I didn't get into the whole full body coughing thing while I was there so I could get into it pretty much.

I would have loved more of that bass though and maybe a little more the trumpet, but that would maybe be making it more jazz than cuban. That almost makes it sound like I know the difference, I am so cultured now.

The dancing was cool to watch too and I cannot believe how old they were, the singers not the dancers the dancers seemed more your expected ages.

At least four of them in the 80s and they could still really sing. Dancing perhaps not so much, when one guy was dancing it looked kinda sad really. I think he was doign it right but it was a style that looks really limited on purpose but in his case it looked kinda like he really couldn't do more or not much more. He did dance a bit more freely later so I could be completely wrong. Probably only a bit wrong though.

The day was mostly without medication though and it was cold so I suffer for going, Oh How I Suffer! *throws hand upon burning forehead tilts head back and wails*

But the new 2 medications seem to be my friends! Woo Hoo!

I bought a home phone to go with my newly established home phone line. I celebrated by throwing the handset on the floor before I had charged it up let alone used it. Eh, I guess it is all up from here for that handset so maybe I did it a favour.

Tough love baby, tough love. Its the ONLY way to fly.

*NOTE: The handset could technically be said to have been falling not flying but you should have thought of that before you read this, thus agreeing to all terms and conditions. One of these conditions could be that falling = flying another could be that I have lost my mind and and a babbling incoherently but that is perfectly ok.

Is excessive saliva production a sign of growing insanity?

Man I almost forgot to mention that I saw a cute girl at the Telstra shop when I bought my phone, she had kinda tan arms which I remember particularly as they contrasted strongly with her gold jewelery. Also there was some kind of problem with the printing of receipts which was sad. Did I mention she was totally cute and stuff? Cos she was and I can't believe almost forgot to preserve her memory here in my diary. I bet she was really nice too. *happy sigh*

11:10 a.m. - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005


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