stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


hair with attitude

I am so tired of being sick, but the sickess just seems to be so small that I don't really feel like going to the doctor. Or something like that.

I feel like I am getting better but what is left seems to always change and somehow manage to still really suck when it wants to.

I thought I had coughed up blood this morning but it was just from a cracked lip. Kinda creepy though especially afer watching House last night. I don't want to die due to something about creepy crawlies in the wall and the cat or something.

Threw up earlier this week and in the dark it looked like a wobbly brain in the sink. In the light it was probably worse since it was all redish, not blood though, just phlegm with a little Ribena add colour to its otherwise bland exterior.

I had to wash it down the sink cos it was so thick it wasn't going anywhere on its own.

Yet overall I feel pretty well.

I run out of steam at work mid afternoon though which is unfortunate but eh, whatever.

I just fear the the little tickle in the back of my throat.

It stalks me like a little curl of coarse hair with a major attitude problem. I always know where it will strike, just not when. I can control the urge to cough, but only for so long and when I cough it almost always gets to the point where my subconscious takes over and says "We are not leaving this fucking room until you give yourself up and get out of this throat you dirty hair or I throw up or die or whatever. I can do this just as long as you, you know. Stop Mocking ME!!!!"

Usually I manage to stop before I throw up or die but that hair is still always there.

Fuck off bastard hair.

And I wonder if I am just freaking myself out and making myself cough out of worry about this or about that or even about that fact that I keep on coughing.

Choked to death on the concept of a vindictive hair.

Hmm, you know that ad where it says "you think you look damn fine ... but she thinks you look damn tired" or somesuch? What am I talking about! Of course you do!

Anyway I don't think thats true I must look pretty screwed up on the trains but I seem to be attracting a bit more attention lately. You know with the lovely ladies. *wink*wink* Maybe its just that in my weakened state I don't look away as fast as I would normally.

Just thought I'd mention that for some reason.

You know what? I think those Honda "you won't think its a family car" or you'll forget its a family car or whatever it is. Those Honda ads. That one with the parents kissing in the front seat having "forgotten it was a family car" man that has to be the sexiest ad I have ever seen. Its not really blatantly sexual or rather its not all nudity or whatever but the lady ...

I can't define exactly what it was but ...

I'll stop trying to think of something now. Very sexy will have to suffice.

And cute too.

They are two different things, sexy and cute.

I won't start on that though.

I think I may take tomorrow to aviod being in the cold at all all day (unless I go to a doctor) in the hope that I will recover fully and also to be there when the Telstra guy comes to fix my home phone.

It'll be nice to actually have a home phone. Not overly exciting given that no-one knows the number but still.

Do you want the number?

I know I can't give out my bank account details on line but phone numbers are ok aren't they?

2:58 p.m. - Thursday, Sept. 01, 2005


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