stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


what time is it? chocolate!

so apparently in the 1680s chocolate was such a part of the culture that it is used for time - so arriving at "chocolate" means arriving at 8 o'clock

so basically I catch the 10 past chocolate train most mornings to go to work

and I love that

and I have and will continue to say it more often than is funny

occasionally in a funny way, but I will be beating this dead horse into a horrifying paste

and I don't care

well I am slightly repulsed by the thought of a horse post beating to a paste


so I was down last week and was talking to a friend about it and she used pics of boobies to cheer me up

unexpected I would have say

boobies = comforting love?

apparently so

even cartoon boobs on msn with disturbingly round and blank eyes about what appeared to a veritable tsunami of boobies washing from side to side and up and down in a bra presumably made of adamantium (xmen reference for those playing at home)

eh, I guess that it kinda worked in a dulling the pain kinda way

the affection was nice too :D

yeah so what else

had a guy here couple nights ago doing an amway presentation thing, I have to admit their new model is intriguing - and currently beyond my comprehension - but the conversation was great

It wasn't just about amway

I mean I don't know if it would have been full on great without some variety of topics

he actually sang some opera, and seemed damn good too

and had a go at andrea boccelli - or rather the description of him as a great singer

strangely hilarious - I mean having a go at a blind singer dude!??? But I got his point totally.

maybe it was just that you could see how much it pushed his buttons, even though he was being fair about it and giving the guy his due respect for what he did.

bought a new clive cussler book - lost city - it is pretty good, read almost all of it, his standard kinda wild story that he somehow kinda gets away with, verges on a guilty pleasure, if I bothered with such things

got it while shopping for presents for my sisters birthday this week, got her a book on moroccan food and one on chocolate (where I got the 8 o'clock thing) I think she will like them, I'm not sure how much she cooks but they seem like things she will like

totally tore my apartment apart this week, moved about everything around except a couple of things that basically just have to be there

moved most things a few times

been thinking a lot this last couple of days, deep pleasant thoughts, seems like a while since I've been there ...

certainly a relief from last week, where it was more crazy out of control emotions

the chocolate book looks like a block of chocolate, even the cover is textured a bit

a little thinky tonight, not unpleasantly ...

9:59 p.m. - Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006


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