stuberosum's Diaryland Diary



So I was tagged by pernickety, and will perform like a dance of weirdness for everyone who reads this but I won't tag others cos the only active diary's I know have been tagged before.

Feel free to tag yourself if you particularly wish to do this thing.

This thing being:

the six weird habits/embarrassing things

(dun dun duuuunn)

So yeah

1) I have a blonde streak in the back of my brown hair - it is weird because it is natural, also because it is kinda yellowy rather than white. Apparently that is more usual. I may have been told that by a hairdresser though so don't use that as a basis for your thesis on weird natural blonde hair streaks.

Um, man.

2) I am a little paranoid about having little white bits of toothpaste on the corners of my house when I leave, or whenever I think of it, so I often lick the sides of my mouth, wipe them, just in case.

3) I like to leave one nail longer than the others when I cut them, preferably one of my thumbs, for the purposes of scratching things or helping to open things.

4) I have in my mind that it would be cool to do a book called the view down the middle of the road of all pics from standing in the middle of the road, looking down the road mostly I think. I got that looking down roads coming home from work, cos sometimes there are just beautiful pictures down the roads, I'm not actually standing on the middle of the road usually but I think I may have been stopped there once by a view, not a safe memory realy.

5) I follow the NBA and have a favourite team but dont't really have a favourite player any more, I dunno it once was my favourite player determined my favourite team but now he is retired and I haven't got a favourite player.

6)Also weird I dont really have a favourite Rugby League team, which I blame on living in Victoria for much of my formative years, but it takes something away from my ability to realy enjoy watching rugby league, or maybe just the season as a whole entity. Or maybe it just stops me from getting all emotionally involved and feeling shite when my NRL team loses.

Yeah those last two were doubling up pretty much, but I gotta get in to work. Its actually a public holiday today but I got work to do ...

I just thought about the tagging thing you could tag amongst yourselves - doesn't that sound funny :)

Also now it is 28 to chocolate and you KNOW I like to get the 10 past chocolate train


7:10 a.m. - Monday, Jun. 12, 2006


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