stuberosum's Diaryland Diary



hey dudes!

yes that is right I am talking to all of you!!


I have Lord of the Rings Online but cannot play it because of stupidity

not mine either!

um that is about it for now really

have been down for a couple of weeks in a weird way

have had next to no contact with anyone for the most part then a bunch of people

I broke someone's mind tonight

I have been looking for a place to move

I have found out that my Mum will have some money soon ... which I am planning to steal ... for the deposit

I think I'll totally get away with it too! in a will totally make sure they benefit out of it too and not just me kinda of way

girls are weird

I am weird

you would think that would mean girls + me = match made in heaven

apparently not

*shrugs in an almost happy way*

last week I would have shrugged in an semi-fatalistic kinda way

semi-fatalistic is like the half decaf version of full blown depressive type fatalism ...its pretty good really ... almost all the sleepless nights but with the ability to be occasionally happy - and outrageously sometimes

I went shopping with a friend at Victoria's Basement, which is all crockery household goods type things ... and it was fun!

went by myself and I had a headache and the twitches in 10 - 15 minutes

never going to go there alone again I think

should have known it was the company that made it but I guess I had to try and find out

also it was Mothers Day soon so ...

ended up getting:

Soft Licorice from Darrell Lea
Little Women by ... someone (? Allcot?)
Complete Works of Jane Austen

turned out pretty well I guess :)

did I mention everything is weird and nothing really makes sense?

cos there is a lot of that happening

dealing with that by ...

cant remember actually, something happened and I feel a lot better about a lot of things

without anything much really changing

well except for the Mum getting monies for me to steal

and my constant checking of I Can Has Cheezburger

Dude ... wait, what?

I has a herb

seriously I just burst out laughing about some of these ones ... walking down the street, you know whatever

of course I do that every now and then anyways

on myspace now too but they have not replied to my friend request ... they are just busy ... they arent are they :(

yeah I dunno

work is ok

life is ok-ish

eyes are tired

sleep is now


10:21 p.m. - Monday, May. 14, 2007


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