stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


Congratulations my precious friend

until my precious friend stitchfish became pregnant just recently I never really cared about such things, I had nothing much to say.

I mean it was great for them, them being whoever in the past has become pregnant and let me know, or had someone tell me about it ... I assume it is great for them anyways, but for me?


not intended offensively I just had no reason to care that I could see, it was just a part of life

not any more though, now it seems like an entirely amazing thing

which in some ways I am avioding really falling into because such is the power of the impact it has had on me, so unexpectedly, combined with the fact that it is a thing that all women could potentially do, or have done and that just makes me look at them ... differently, look in a way that I dont want to do that often because well it is just too intense a thought to apply to a person walking down the street toward you or to people you talk to

I daresay it could be in a large way because of my care for my friend that the effect is so large and I can imagine I would react with a degree of indifference to others becoming pregnant ... but I can also see myself being interested ... a little light of interest and fascination with the person bursting like a little fire in my mind

perhaps only a short fire

perhaps I would try to douse the flames quite quickly cos it is one thing to see someone differently but it is another thing altogether to give the impression that you want to hear all about it when in most cases it will just be a thing of "Wow that really is an amazing thing" and then move on

partly cos there is a lot I really dont feel I need to know, especially from people I dont have a real connection with

of course this is probably overanalysis cos in the right moment I would listen to most people talk about anything about themselves anything that was real and vital to them

just not something I would plan to arrange or anything like that

but yeah, something has changed in me, something always does in those amazing moments of course


another thing I dont know what to do with really

or should I say another thing I dont need to plan to do anything with it will just be there if it is ever needed and will quietly change how I act in certain situations


watched a fair bit more of the Lord of the Rings extended edition appendices stuff

loving a lot of stuff about ... Aragorn, hmm weird mostly they use his actual name so I dont know why I would forget it and remember the character name ... Viggo Mortensen!

some funny funny stuff and some cool stuff

never would have thought it really

lots of other cool stuff about all sorts of people really


heard of another place that I could potentially buy ... little one bed place which I should be able to repay quickly ... well I assume so anyways but could be wrong cos A) have no idea what the asking price would be and B) the real estate guy is only meeting properly with the owner about selling on Saturday so its still really all up in the air. He sounded pretty positive about it though.

Its kinda cool and amazing the efforts this guy has made to find me a place, door knocking, letter drops, has said he would go look at places that are in areas he doesnt normally work in if I wanted him to.

good business practices really but also just plain seems genuine and I dont see that he would get that much money out of doing this for me cos I am very much getting in the shallow end of the pool here

good though


Also Congratulations again to my precious friend and her husband ... hmm trying to think of the original fake name for him so I could say the husband formerly know as ...

Ah well

many many blessings on them both

10:06 p.m. - Thursday, May. 31, 2007


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