stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


easy as fur-pie

I just got an email with the title "easy as fur-pie...adv:adlt"

Makes me laugh it is so stupid and yet sounds rude so how could I not laugh.

Also am I the only person who has gotten their arm out of the way of blocking a cute girls view of outside of the train (to see where they were) so quickly that if I had done it any quicker I would have thrown myself back a few rows of seats? Probably, and given that she apologised for inconveniencing me I can only assume she seemed to think that my sudden movement indicated that she had bothered me in some way, she had probably never come across such a thing before either.

Eh, what can I say if a cute girl wants to look out the window I consider it my resposibilty to get out of her way and in this case there were three of them! Which I think explains the speed of my action and they had been sitting there talking to each other the whole time and enjoying themselves and I was sitting there "three cute girls, three cute girls, three cute girls, mustn't listen to them talk that would be rude, ooo her name is amy and she has a story that she wants to tell but not now because her friend would laugh too much, oh crap I'm listening.

Seriously how hard is it to specifically not listen to someone who is talking quite clearly less than a metre away? Especially with the cute thing although I think I am whole lot more relaxed about that than I once was.

Anyway cute girls if you read this I hope I see and hear you again with your generally friendlyness with each other and laughter and stories and whatever, even not listening it creates a wonderful atmosphere for a train trip home.

Hmm, maybe the train people should start sending groups of people like that out to raise the atmosphere of the trains, maybe then people will complain less and maybe even there will be less need for train security type people. Heh, I can dream can't I?

Heh, heh, I just tried solve the increasing problems of the train services through the services of cute young ladies, if only all problems could actually be solved like that!!

2:56 p.m. - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004


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