stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


nothing to say

How do people talk to other people?

I swear I just plain have nothing to say most of the time.

Kinda like now.

Not been doing much of anything lately but my time seems filled.

Slowly relaxing after June still, which feels nice but still leaves me with nothing to talk about. I'm at that point where I have recovered enough that I want to talk but I've got nothing.

Also my forte is something close to gibberish and for the most part it needs interaction to have any chance of being amusing or whatever it is.

Either that or listening.

The art of small talk has passed me by.

No angst about it really, merely observation. Quite possibly the story of my life, too much observation not enough interaction.

But the observation can make the interaction so much more interesting and the observation is fascinating in and of itself. I just wonder if it is really something that you can share. Perhaps in person, jointly looking at/thinking about things. In explanation afterwards there is nothing the essence of the moment is lost in attempted explanation.

I could go home, now and try out some microwaveable food. Those pizza pocket things last night were a disappointment really but I guess that's why I got them, to find out. The same with this other stuff.

I'll have to try more actual cooking type stuff sooner or later too. Pasta is good to go but there could be more to life than just pasta.

I kinda feel like I want to write something but have no computer at home and writing at work seems weird.

And I have no strong urge or inspiration, just a bit of feeling like it would be nice to do it.

I guess with time I'll become a bit more vital.

Words aren't my friends any more, I look at that sentence I think yeah that was what I meant to say and I'm using words right but then I just don't know. I was always just about gut feeling when writing so I don't really have anything to fall back on to see if I am doing it right.

I guess I'll be a hermit for a while, although I do seem to be out of the house a lot for a hermit.

Maybe a hermit crab?

So many thoughts - so little logic and sanity to go round.

5:15 p.m. - Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005


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