stuberosum's Diaryland Diary



I am in a good mood, I don't know why. For some reason at some point in the weekend I just started to feel happy and even loved for some reason. So yeah feeling really good and I really can't work out why, lots of little things I guess.

Haven't seen cute Canadian girl again :(

Hehe I did smile at cute pink haired girl at the station this morning and she seemed confused and shocked. Also she seemed to focus on my tie which I was in the act of tieing when she walked past, perhaps she was disturbed by the sight of tie which was neither a tie in its complete form nor a tie at rest. Perhaps she was going thru changes in her life and found the tie to be indicative of her plight. Which would have to make the fact that the tie was going thru these things on the whim of another (myself in this case) and was helpless to stop the process. Or perhaps that just made it more apt.

You know either that or it was just an out to avoid eye contact. "I was not looking at you stranger I was looking at your tie, avert your eyes from me Sir are you completely uncouth?!"

So, yes, I am a load gun on a hair trigger just waiting to spray the room in smiles.

And don't you think you can get away, I am fascinated by absolutely everything again. Trees with certain distinctive prunings, they way that the metal arch things over the train tracks provide something of a natural frame for the view down the line with even the bins seeming to be in line and reinforce the frame while still remaining distinct and individual. Clouds, rain, the tint of colour in the sky all generally attractive (to me at least).

A two story carpark without walls, was somehow beautiful or fascinating or something. It was made of cement or something not crystal and white gold so I don't know what it was about it.

So yes, watch out.

Saw a cute girl again on the way home. I don't know if I am lucky, or particularly receptive to/peceptive of beauty, or maybe I just have really low standards but they do seem to be everywhere.

She was vacuuming (talk about sexxxy) leaning forward with her blonde fringe kinda raggedly hanging past her eyebrows, her eyes tilted up to look as I passed and a gorgeous curve blossomed to her lips when I smiled at her. *sigh* I barely hesitated there, 'twas a drive by smiling, and I was away ... to the Coles (or whatever it is) just around the corner.

Obviously I have to work on my getaway. Next time I could get caught at the scene of the crime! I could end up with life imprisonment!!! (in love) Talk about a fate worse than, well something. I can think of lots of things it is better than but thats not really helping.

Anyways, if some stranger smiles at you it's probably not me. But it could be.

Yeah, I have no idea what you are supposed to do with that information either.


4:53 p.m. - Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2005


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