stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


valentines 06

heard Verve Pipe - The Freshmen today on the 202 Classic Alternative

I was a fucking human goose bump pretty much through the whole song

fuck me dead that got to me

even now just thinking about it brings a tingling

good song, liked it back then and all but .....

Tonic - you wanted more came up to like that too back then always wanted to get the song, the album but never did. just one of those things I guess.

soooooo how was your valentines?

you went out for a meal with a 70 year old woman, who bought you a massive card and a monkey that REALLY likes to say "I love you"?

me too!

did she kinda go to not quite the right place and somehow keep herself hidden when you looked around?

did it take over an hour til she went to a pay phone to call and ask where you where?

just eh

fuck me dead

over an hour

man I was kinda annoyed about having this meal and everything with her, lots of tiny things really: valentines day was sad for some reason this year when its never even been anything except that one year I had someone; just felt like going home and not doing much that night just in a sink into the lounge and relax mood; didn't feel like talking and knew talking would occur and I had nothing.

who konws what else

perhaps also because I knew she valued my company and I just didn't see why right now, its like I was annoyed that she didn't see that my company wasnt that great. eh, whatever.


also fuck spelling and capitalisation this time around :P just dont care right now, not in a bad way just not fussed


but anyways didn't really want to be there

but while I was stading at the entrance to the train station looking around for her

I started looking at people

cuties mostly I have to admit :P but still, people

I love to watch people

and to stand there and watch hundreds basically just flood past me in bursts and then to watch those who stayed around waiting - valentines day stuff I guessed a bit

was fascinating

and made me smile

got some smiles too




no idea what they find really but I'm not too worried :D

but yeah just seeing people was fun

and then I started thinking about stuff

crazy mind going into input overload from all the visual stimuli

and laughing for no apparent reason

and so on and so forth as I do

I loved the look on one girls face when she went past, it was like when you see a friend who makes you laugh or is doing something to make you laugh and you kinda scruch up your face with your lips pursed and your eyes laughing but determined not to laugh all out

you know what I mean

oh and she was cute too

curly shortish blonde hair

it is sweet me to know I caught the eye of those attractive young people in my old age even if only for a glance

oooh a cutie on the train today too - and she smiled at me, like, three times

that was as I was getting off though so maybe she was just happy to see me go

ha, as if

I am SO hott

anyways for those keeping score at home - my valentines turned out to be really nice. Just pleasant, food, and just a walk over the harbour, which pleased her so much since it meant she would spend more time with me and not be straight off home, which made me sad really. Who am I? Just a guy who knows her from church. She just wants some company mostly I think.

I am pretty nice I guess, a listener, but still ... makes me sad that I am a highlight for her.

so many lonely people around

makes me sad and I can't really do that much

just be nice in little bit and pieces

dont think I really have much more I can or am willing to give

even knowing I could never really be enough if I did put all my life in, doesnt take away the sadness

seems a little silly to be sad about it when I can't / am not willing to do anything about it but whatever

such is life

also I was funny

I was talking to her when she tried to find out where I was and I got a bit annoyed and when the conversation was over I spat out "Fuck me Senseless" and I think a girl buying her train ticket heard and possibly was listening as I had been talking - judging by the almost smile on her face and the fact that she was completely fixated on looking right ahead


wish she had looked over, we could have shared a laugh

ah well, I guess alls well that ends well


not really


true enough

10:05 p.m. - Friday, Feb. 17, 2006


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