stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


for Evie

Just for you Evie :D

I can't promise much in the way of quality though.

I guess I've been thinking a fair bit recently when I have been walking here or there or trying to go to sleep or whatever, so most of the thoughts might otherwise write here are run through in my mind to the point where the desire to write has gone ... or perhaps the ability, I don't know.

Nothing is much of anything right now.

A little happy, a little sad, a little bored, a little feel too busy, a little want time to think, a little want people to talk to, a lot just want something to really want to do.

Nothing seems particularly desirable right now and I don't want to do stuff just cos I can, just feels like I am wasting my time.

I have work to do here at work, but not enough to fill all my time - so I am bored. and a little worried that I will put stuff off til I have too much to do.

mostly bored though.

I didn't shave today, got up too late and am amazed that I got the train today - almost an anti-climax. I got up about 5 minutes before I like to leave go shower, brush teeth, find and put on clothes and I still make it to the train station, buy a ticket - and have to wait for the train to get there. I mean, I do give my self time so I don't have to run to get the train each morning but ...

so yeah, I am vaguely interested in lots of stuff (like that last paragraph) but overall disinterested.

friend's birthday tommorrow, should have asked to take the day off not sure he is really going to be doing anything much could have gone down for the day and also had the sweet sweet 5 day weekend, rather than that sweet 4 day weekend I am going to have.

I think I impressed one of my sisters on the weekend with something I said because she asked where I came up with the stuff I say. Which sounds ripe for subtle sarcasm but she was serious. Which is a little amazing to me, impressing someone with what I say isn't something I think about I guess, I mean I love to say things that mean something to people but this seemed different kinda. I mean the more I think about it the less this reaction makes sense, I can think of lots of nice things said to me, I dunno maybe I just brush away what a lot of people say but with her it was different. Like what they say way expected maybe. Maybe because she really knows me.

Its only a mild feeling though, most things are to me right now.

At the same time: I am still enjoying Rome: Total War. love the game mechanics, getting to the point I would like some new stuff added or people to play against. I am kinda enjoying Patrician III - very one more thing before I stop, the time is what? It has yet to become anywhere near as natural to me as Rome but it could do. All about the $s rather than empire building in the traditional military focussed way. Gates of Troy seems interesting but it is fairly similar to Rome but not which is pretty disconcerting really, I feel kinda lost at this point. Could be good though. Could be very good, a very nice complement to Rome.

These are all good things, which make me happy, there are other things too but ... just feel like I need to get out and do something soon. Getting tired of my own company I guess.

9:39 a.m. - Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006


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