stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


dont miss your flight and too much more

coffee this morning

was handed to me with a "don't miss your flight" comment

to which I responded "..."

doesn't quite show the depth of the blankness of my expression at the time but I trust you get my meaning

all I can think of is that it was indicating that I was chatting up the coffee lady.

I think it went - I was chatting her up - pilots chat up the ladies (or have some vague impressing to that effect) - therefore I must be a pilot - I would have to hurry lest I miss my flight.

Honestly is there anything more depressing than a joke dissected? except perhaps a joke dissected by someone who is not certain of the actual words of the joke or the intent.

I am sorry you had to see that. I would go back and read it to see if it even makes sense - but its just too depressing.

Anyway, I admit I chatted TO the nice young coffee lady and complimented her hair (she had it cut and it looked nice) but I'm not 100% sure he was paying any attention to what I was saying since he was doing other stuff - could have heard it quite easily though. Also I swear every time I talk to him I just miss what he is saying partially or completely - so I'm not 100% sure that was what he said.

She was looking at him with that half smile/ half mouth open in shock look when I glanced over at her so if it wasn't those exact words I think the point was close enough.

But yes, a story of confusion and uncertainty and a young lady with an attractive new hair cut.

I can only hope I left you as confused and uncertain as I was, ... am ... whatever.

Now I half want to go back and find out for sure what happened.

Also to talk to that young lady - she looked so cute when she was doing that shocked/smile look - hehe.


Please Ma'am may have no more information: Just got told by someone that they have the runs (why?) and there is this smell in the air like someone is heating up there lunch - a meaty kind of smell. Even though it is not sane to begin with and is currently flying me to the depths of insanity - I can't help but link those two pieces of information.

I know they could not possibly be connected but my mind won't let me separate them.

I am starting to sweat in my effort to not think or smell or anything.

I don't think I will be able to eat anything meaty or hot today.

*I weep*

I wish I were a rock.

10:40 a.m. - Friday, Apr. 28, 2006


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