stuberosum's Diaryland Diary


variety of random thoughts


heard of a first date where the guy tried to get his date to watch a clip of his recently ex'd wife giving him a blowjob ... yet still managed to get a second date ... then surprisingly to get his number deleted

decided can't ever have a daughter called Gina, among other reasons because she could one day be asked "is that short for Vagina?" ...possibly by me, which is even worse and would make me a truly terrible father, even if she wasn't old enough to understand the words. I don't need that on my conscience!

sore neck! ... never would have happened if I followed through on my plan to exercise to make sure I had a strong and flexible neck that could stay down in one place for an extended period (ensuring I could always give good oral loving to my wife) ... at this point I think if there were an unexpected noise that made me quickly turn my head I would end up having to explain to a nurse just how I ended up needing a neck brace

I made the new guy giggle and blush ... giggle at a mildly cynical throw away line at the value of tidying up (I don't think he realised quite how he sounded! it is nice to be funny enough to do that though) and blush at being told he really shouldn't just leave early because he needed to be somewhere and it was only a few minutes early so did it matter? Gots to ask man!

someone who struggles to save up the funds to pay for a new lounge suite seems to think its a good idea to buy an investment property ...

it was good having last week without the new guy, got back a bit into doing things myself again and got into a little bit of a rhythm, still going ok now which is good ...still not going great or efficiently

I have study now! I want to see if I can get a wing chair to go in there like I discussed years ago here ... but really not sure the space or room shape are right or that I like the feel of a footstool under my feet if on the same level as the chair ... but it is a cool thing to dream about and hopefully one day put into practice in some form or other

speaking of furniture, I think getting rid of some, possibly last, of the stuff I bought around the time I was looking at the wing chair ... I'm too busy and tired to get too sentimental about it I think ... but who knows, being so tired anything could happen

one grandmother has lost her husband this year, the other gone into a nursing home and is missing her man who is just back in home himself after a hospital stay

speaking of random thoughts, I was just looking at my fingers earlier and I do need to try and keep my fingernails trimmed ...just like the neck thing I always thought I would keep my nails trimmed and smooth (no scratching sensitive parts!) rather than gnawed and, well, not smooth ...also thought I would shave of an evening rather than morning (not super hairy so should still look pretty good for work) ... all sounds nice really, caring and sweet to my wife ... wonder if simply just trying to cut out things that would get in the way of me getting all the sex I want as often as I can and reducing things that could make me feel bad about just going for it all the time and also making me always ready to go ... swimming regularly recently too so always have shower after which would also fit in with being available and desirable ...

but things are not really happening ... kinda think that the idea of doing all these things just to make it so sex would happen feels like I am putting pressure on her which makes me very uncomfortable with the idea... can't even get myself out of my own way to having sex ... hard to say if all else would work if I can't feel I should implement!

well thats all too much now isn't it!!

9:30 a.m. - Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014


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